Delighting Customers

The Rules Have Changed!

Remember the days when merely satisfying customers resulted in long-term business relationships? No longer can you count on satisfied customers, however, for return business. In fact, an increasing number of satisfied customers aren’t returning at all — they are leaving for your competitors!

Why? The rules have changed. Customer expectations have risen far beyond mere satisfaction — they expect to be delighted! Customers now seek significantly higher value than they settled for in the past. Being good doesn’t cut it anymore. Your whole organization — that means everybody — needs to focus on providing great service. In this context, a customer is “anyone who receives your work.” Given that, we all have customers, either external or internal, that expect to be “wowed.”

This one-day workshop will explore the changing expectations of your customers:

Old Rule: Satisfy Customers
New Rule: Delight Customers
Old Rule: The customer is #1
New Rule: The employee is #1
Old Rule: The customer is always right
New Rule: Some customers should be “fired!”
Rule that transcends time:
“Under-promise and over-deliver

Many good organizations talk a good talk about customer service. Great organizations, however, take customer service to a higher level. If you are ready to make that shift, contact Dr. Eric Allenbaugh to explore how this impactful workshop can support your efforts to enhance service to both internal and external customers.

“Profit is the applause you get for taking care of your customers
and creating a motivating environment for your staff.”

— Ken Blanchard

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Allenbaugh Associates

Phone: 503-635-3963

Mailing address:
4688 Upper Drive
Lake Oswego, OR 97035